Wander Management

Wander Management Systems

Patient Wander Management | Single Source Provider


The Economical But Robust Solution to Wander Management

Accutech’s ResidentGuard wander management systems give Alzheimer’s, dementia and other "at-risk" residents the ability to move freely about their facilities while receiving the protection they—and their families—need. Using advanced RFID technology, this perimeter-based security system puts staff at ease while enabling them to direct their energies toward other critical tasks.
Benefits of the system include:

  • Notification of staff if residents try to leave the facility or wander into
    restricted areas
  • Easy-to-clean tags with LEDs to indicate they are active
  • Quick resident assignment
  • Reduced costs due to long-life tags that can be turned on or off as necessary
  • Lower cost of operation with free training and software updates
  • Escort function
  • Protection against elopement and loitering
  • Compliance with NFPA, FCC, NEC, CA, ETL and JCAHO requirements
  • Free 24-hour technical support
  • Full one-year warranty

LS 2400 System

The preferred solution. Does more. Costs less.

The LS2400 system is a low cost wander system that provides resident ID, loiter and door-ajar monitoring, low tag battery and several more alerts without the need for a computer. It’s designed to be a fully functional dedicated system, or customized to integrate to your facilities specific needs. The LS system can provide resident ID and reporting capabilities at the door or nurse’s station with the optional LCD display(s). It also uses a wider RF range that minimizes the need for an extra antenna for double door applications. The system is easy to use and can be installed and serviced by your maintenance personnel.

Accutech LS2400 Wander Management System

Adding the LS2400 display to the LS2400 controller at the door or nurses station adds the following capabilities:

  • On screen reporting (up to 30 of the most recent reports)
  • Day/Night timer programming
  • Resident ID at the door
  • Frequency and tuning adjustments for the controller from the display
  • Custom facility logos to be uploaded as the default display
  • Configuration of multiple zones from a single display
  • Optional photo of resident upon alarm at the door (with nurse call integration)







Advanced RFID Security in an Affordable Package

 Accutech delivers the protection performance of our most advanced Active RFID security technology in a very affordable, effective, and simple-to-use package. AtGuard door protection packages are stand-alone self-contained units. These do not require networking or workstations to provide your required security.

ResidentGuard LC 1200 wander management

LC 1200 System

The ResidentGuard LC 1200 wander management system is the ideal entry-level solution for facilities that need quick, cost-effective patient wandering capabilities. It can be implemented as a stand-alone system, installed and serviced by your maintenance personnel.

  • System features include:
  • User-installable wandering system (saves you money)
  • Tags are activated/deactivated with S-TAD Unit (saves you money)
  • LED provides visual indication tag is working
  • Full 1 year warranty & free technical phone support for the life of the system
  • System has adjustable volume control for alarms/alerts
  • Staff escort feature
  • Filtered data to prevent false alarms
This system can be integrated with nurse call, electronic access control (EAC), closed-circuit television (CCTV), fall detection and other existing security mechanisms within the facility.



Contact us to learn more about how Accutech delivers long-lasting security, economy, and a path to brighter future for long-term care residents.

Wireless Door Monitoring Systems SALES, SERVICE, & INSTALLATIONS

•    Professional Design and Support
•   Quick Proposal Turnaround
•    Installation Support available
•    Competitive Discounted Prices

 Professional Installation Options in your areas

 Alabama - AL  Louisiana - LA  Ohio - OH
 Alaska - AK  Maine - ME  Oklahoma  - OK
 Arizona - AZ  Maryland - MD  Oregon - OR
 Arkansas - AR  Massachusetts  - MA  Pennsylvania - PA
 California - CA  Michigan - MI  Rhode Island - RI
 Colorado - CO  Minnesota - MN  South Dakota - SD
 Connecticut - CT  Mississippi - MS  South Carolina - SC
 District of Columbia   Missouri - MO  Tennessee - TN
 Florida - FL  Montana - MT  Texas - TX
 Georgia - GA  Nebraska - NE  Utah - UT
 Hawaii - HI  Nevada - NV  Virginia - VA
 Iowa - IA  New Hampshire - NH  Vermont - VT
 Idaho - ID  New Jersey - NJ  Washington - WA
 Illinois - IL  New Mexico - NM  West Virginia -WV
 Indiana - IN  New York - NY  Wisconsin - WI
 Kansas - KS  North Carolina - NC  Wyoming - WY
 Kentucky - KY  North Dakota - ND

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