Tek-SAFE Area of Rescue

Tek-SAFE® Area of Rescue Assistance System (Area of Refuge)

Tek-SAFE® Area of Rescue Assistance System is an emergency intercom system that allows people who are unable to reach safety by themselves to summon assistance from rescue personnel. Tek-SAFE® meets the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for area of rescue assistance systems (previously called area of refuge systems). Check local codes for additional requirements.

Tek-SAFE Area of Rescue Assistance System (Area of Refuge)

Tek-SAFE® provides audio communication between area of rescue remote call stations (in protected stairwells) and the building lobby. Calls are indicated at the lobby master station by both visual and audible signals. The master station has sensitive 2-way communication to the remote call stations, and can also initiate call tones to them. The standard NC150R master station accommodates up to 8 remote call stations; other sizes may be special ordered.

Read the article about Tek-SAFE® from the August 2003 issue of The National Locksmith. (PDF format.)

Tektone Area of Rescue

Area of Rescue

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