Every Hospital Should Have These

3 Healthcare Industry Products that Every Hospital Should Have

The healthcare industry is one of the largest industries today because of the influx of patient care over the past few years. No matter how large and needy the industry grows, it is important that overall healthcare remains competitive and efficient in order to provide the best care possible to patients on a day to day basis. Consider adding the following tools to your hospital, clinic, medical office, nursing home or assisted living facility in order to remain competitive in the market and provide the most efficient care possible to patients and residents.

Patient Wandering Pendants

A patient wandering system is designed specifically for patients with wandering tendencies such as those who are struggling with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. These patients often desire freedom and privacy for as long as their mind will allow, but facility’s struggle to grant those wishes without using the proper tools. With a patient wandering system, each patient with elopement tendencies can wear a wrist or neck pendant that allows them to wander their designated areas without the risk of getting lost or leaving the facility unnoticed. With a patient wandering system, these patients can live happier knowing that staff is not always following them around or worrying about their location.

patient wandering wrist pendant

Patient Shower & Bed Stations

Any patient can easily slip and fall in moist shower areas, which is why wireless shower stations provide a secure emergency staff calling tool to request aid as needed. Patients desire privacy when showering, but also need to have help at times too. With a shower station, a patient can pull the call cord to call for help. Other patient stations are available such as wireless bed stations and emergency stations that offer the same technology for different areas of patient rooms. These wireless stations are easy to use and provide reliable help in any situation.

wireless shower emergency bed stations

Wireless Nurse Call System

There are a variety of other wireless devices that can be used to increase the efficiency, safety, and competitiveness of any healthcare facility. There is only one system, however, that brings all of these wireless devices together into one centralized system, and that is wireless nurse call. With a wireless nurse call system, both patients and staff can keep in communication with one another in order to provide the safest environment possible. Wireless nurse call brings various patient technologies together and provides an output of tools and reports that help streamline communication and processes and ultimately increases efficiency.

wireless nurse call system

Consider joining the more than 3,000 healthcare facilities that have already chosen our wireless nurse call system and request your customized project quote today. We offer full system project discounts and our systems come fully preprogrammed at no extra charge. We also offer free programming and technical support for the entire life of your new wireless nurse call system! We even ensure professional installation availability in most areas, so call us today and let us quote your wireless nurse call system project.

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